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Designhill in collaboration with Dorjan Vulaj has brought to you a session on
"How to strategically price your design work"
Setting up a price for your design work can turn out to be a difficult task to do. As a freelance designer, you have to face a unique set of demands and challenges for each client and project. So why price them all the same?
So, If you are wondering how should you price your design work, we have got you covered!
Dorajn Vulaj will be sharing some amazing tips and will cover the following in the webinar:-
-How to choose the right pricing model for freelancers and local works.
-How much profit to include in the price
-How to study the client
-How to determinate the costs
-How to ask for the budget the right way
Stay tuned for the event || Book your slot now
Register here: http://bit.ly/2YeAn16